FAARY - Quick Form Builder (c)2010 by Faary.com Instruction. ========================================== Thanks for using Premium FAARY Services! All you have to do is set your e-mail address in file contact.php, as soon as your e-mail address is there - files are ready to send emails! Use your favorite FTP client to connect to your server and upload files, then point your browser to http://www.Your-Website.com/contact-form-faary.html - of course you can change this filename - you can integrate this form with your page if you wish - if you don't know what FTP is and how to upload files to server, please contact your server administrator for assistance. Emails will be sent via default PHP's function "mail()", if email has been sent - "thank you" message will appear, if there are any problem - error message will show. Third Party Included. ========================================== Form uses some free 3rd party resources: - jQuery v1.4 Did you know... ========================================== This form builder is also part of IzzyWebsite - CMS system, build your next website using IzzyWebsite: http://www.izzywebsite.com If you want to use this form later in our builder, please see "source.txt" file - you can open it in notepad, and copy contents to clipboard - then paste them on Faary.com, after you click GENERATE button, you will see your form in preview, so you can make any changes there.